12 min readMar 15, 2023

Rescuing Amhara People from Genocide in Oromia Region


The dire circumstances of Amharas residing in the Oromia region, who have been subject to Genocide for the past five years, call for a meticulously planned rescue effort. The perpetrators of these atrocious crimes against humanity are believed to be Oromo Liberation Front, Oromia Regional Forces, Oromia Region Police, Oromo Militia, and Oromo Youth (Qero), who have unleashed unspeakable brutal massacres against innocent Amhara civilians, particularly women, and children. Tens of thousands of precious lives have been lost, and the Genocide continues to this day, aided and abetted by these five groups. It is imperative that immediate measures are taken to rescue the Amhara people from the clutches of the Oromia region terrorists. We are providing a tentative plan here to give people an idea of how to rescue Amharas from the Oromia region. The gravity of the situation cannot be overstated, and the rescue plan must be executed with utmost precision and swiftness.


It is important to establish well-organized task forces to effectively address the urgent issue of Genocide facing Amhara, civilians in the Oromia region. This would involve creating internal and external groups composed of Amhara individuals residing within and outside the Oromia region. The primary objective of these groups would be to develop efficient task force teams capable of carrying out operations aimed at rescuing the Amhara people, which are currently at risk and facing Genocide perpetrated by Oromia regional terrorists within the Oromia region.

  1. Internal Task Force Role: The internal task force will focus on organizing Amhara civilians based on where they live, dividing them into Woreda and Kebeles within the Oromia region.
  2. Internal Task Force Size: The internal task force will comprise 1,000 men trained in military tactics and strategy and 50 men in leadership and management skills for each county and district.
  3. Internal Task Force Training: The training of the internal task force will aim to equip Amharas with the necessary skills to defend themselves and organize effectively against potential threats.
  4. External Task Force Role: The external task force will provide logistics, intelligence, and training for the internal group.
  5. External Task Force Backup: The external task force group should be placed outside the Oromia region and on standby to enable rapid and direct intervention to protect Amhara civilians from imminent threats.
  6. External Task Force Division: To ensure efficient coordination and support for the internal groups, the external task force group will be divided into two sub-groups: Shewa and Gojam teams.
  7. Shewa Team: The Shewa team will oversee and support Amhara communities in Shewa, Harar, Bale, and Arsi sub-regions within the Oromia region. They will coordinate attacks and provide resources and intelligence to the internal groups.
  8. Gojam Team: The Gojam team will oversee and support Amhara communities in Wellega, Jimma, and Illubabor sub-regions within the Oromia region. They will coordinate attacks and provide resources and intelligence to the internal groups.


Before the execution phase commences, the external and internal task force groups must engage in extensive planning and reconnaissance activities aimed at gathering intelligence on the targeted area. This will entail a variety of activities, such as studying blueprints of the building or compound, conducting surveillance on the area, and identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities. Based on the gathered intelligence, the team should prepare for possible conflicts or attacks. Since it will be in a complex and dynamic environment, continuous intelligence gathering, assessment, and distribution is crucial.

  1. Intelligence on Leaders & Security Personnel: Identify key players in the Oromia region, including their names, locations, district, and county leadership and security personnel.
  2. Intelligence on Oromo terrorists: Gather intelligence on the military movements of Oromia region forces, Oromo police, and OLF terrorists. They must collect information on military movements and identify weaknesses and vulnerable and exploitable points of Oromia region forces.
  3. Threat and Risk: Create an intelligence analysis on the threat and risks Oromia regional terrorists pose in various aspects.
  4. Create Scenarios: To effectively prepare for potential conflicts and attacks, it is important to create various scenarios based on the gathered intelligence. This allows for the development of tactical and strategic recommendations that can be utilized to mitigate risk and respond to potential threats.


Effective communication is crucial in any operation, especially in remote or challenging environments. Communication tools such as VHF and UHF radios, mobile phones, and GPS devices can be used to track team members’ locations, navigate difficult terrain, and transmit data or distress calls. Flares can also be a useful tool in emergency situations. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of each communication method and developing a communication plan can help ensure the success and safety of the operation.

1. Radio communication-Radio communications are essential. VHF and UHF radios are commonly used and more reliable than mobile phones, which can be jammed or shut down. A communication plan is needed to outline radio protocols, channels, and frequencies.

a) High Frequency (HF)- HF-Radios utilize waves that propagate directly along the ground or reflect off the atmosphere to transmit signals between stations. Although they are capable of long-range communication, their transmission and reception distances are subject to various atmospheric conditions such as electrical storm activity, sunspot interference, and time of day. Most HF radios are equipped with pre-set channels, but users must learn how to adjust frequencies and set upper and lower sidebands.

b) Very High frequency (VHF)-VHF radio waves travel short distances of about 10 km along the ground, which can be extended up to 20–50 km through the use of repeaters, depending on the terrain. Antennas must be elevated for optimal coverage. Unlike HF, VHF signals are not influenced by seasonal or daily variations. VHF radios are pre-programmed with “talk-around” frequencies for both simplex and repeater use.

c) VHF repeater-Installing additional VHF repeaters increases coverage area. These systems are typically installed on high structures like buildings or mountains to enhance their coverage range.

2. Regular Media Radio: Regular radio can provide important updates on the conflict and other relevant information to the Amhara masses, particularly in the Oromia region. It can also help to alleviate feelings of isolation and provide a sense of connection to the outside world.

3. Mobile-Phones-Access to mobile phones, the internet, and satellite phones can still be useful, despite their lack of reliability in the region. It is important to ensure that there are enough backup batteries and portable chargers for all communication devices. Some examples can be 1. Iridium Extreme 2. Thuraya X5-Touch 3. Inmarsat IsatPhone 2 4. Globalstar GSP-1700 5. SPOT X

a) Handheld Satellite Phones: These phones are designed to work in remote locations where conventional cellular service is not available. They use satellites to communicate and are useful for operations in areas with limited or no terrestrial communication infrastructure.

b) Mobile Satellite Phones: These phones are installed in vehicles, boats, or other mobile platforms and can provide communication services while on the move. They are useful for operations that require communication while in transit or in remote areas.

c) Portable Satellite Wi-Fi Hotspots: These devices allow users to create a Wi-Fi hotspot using a satellite connection. They are useful for operations that require multiple users to connect to the internet simultaneously, such as conducting video conferences or sharing large files.

d) Satellite Modems: These devices allow for data communication over satellite networks. They are useful for operations that require large amounts of data to be transmitted, such as real-time video feeds.

e) GPS devices- GPS devices can be useful for tracking team members’ locations and navigating difficult terrain. They can also provide location information to a central command center.

4. Flares- Flares can be a lifesaver in emergency situations, as they can signal a distress call or attract rescuers or give signals for military operations.

Military Operations

As part of the mission to counter the Oromia region’s terrorists, critical factors must be identified to achieve success. This includes scouting the terrain to determine the best routes for potential retreats, identifying reliable sources of water, and analyzing the topography to find the most defensible positions. Constant intelligence will be gathered on the movement of Oromo forces, and their operations will be disrupted by identifying their camps and leaders. The goal is to neutralize their threat and ensure the safety and security of all personnel in the region.

  1. Best terrain exit route: In military operations, it is important to have a clear exit strategy in case of a retreat or evacuation. The Amhara forces may need to study the terrain in the Oromia region to identify the safest and most effective routes for a potential retreat.
  2. Best water source: Water is a critical resource in military operations, both for drinking and for other purposes such as cleaning and hygiene. The Amhara forces may need to identify the best sources of water in the region to ensure that their troops have access to clean water.
  3. Best terrain for military defense: Military operations often involve defending territory, which requires identifying the most defensible terrain. The Amhara forces may need to study the terrain in the region to identify areas that are naturally defensible or can be easily fortified.
  4. Oromia region terrorist force movement: To effectively counter the Oromia region terrorist forces, the Amhara forces will need to gather constant intelligence about the movements of Oromo forces in the region. This will be mainly handled by a small team within the internal task force and will coordinate with the external group. It will be monitoring their movements, identifying potential staging areas or supply routes, and anticipating their next moves.
  5. OLF leaders, county and district leaders: To effectively counter the Oromia region terrorists, the task force must identify leaders of the Genocide and arrest them. This goes for leaders of counties, districts, towns, and cities to arrest them.

Operation Template

The following text provides a general overview of a standard operation template, outlining the key components necessary for a successful rescue mission. These components include timing, entry and assault, hostage extraction, security sweep, medical attention, communications, and extraction and debriefing. A well-planned and executed operation is crucial to ensuring the safety of both hostages and rescue team members. Effective communication, teamwork, and attention to detail are essential in each phase of the operation.

  1. Timing: The timing of the execution phase is critical. The rescue team will typically attempt to execute the operation when the captors are least expecting it, which may be during the night or early morning hours. They may also wait for a particular moment when the captors are distracted or vulnerable.
  2. Entry and assault: The entry and assault phase involves breaching the location where the hostages are being held, which may involve breaking down doors, windows, or walls. The assault teams will move quickly to neutralize the captors using specialized weapons and tactics. These tactics may include flashbangs, smoke grenades, and stun grenades to disorient the captors.
  3. Hostage extraction: After the captors have been neutralized, the rescue team will quickly move to extract the hostages from the location. This may involve moving the hostages to a secure location within the building or to an exterior location where they can be safely evacuated.
  4. Security sweep: The rescue team will conduct a thorough security sweep of the location to ensure that all the captors have been neutralized and that there are no other hidden threats. This involves checking all rooms, closets, and any other potential hiding places.
  5. Medical attention: During the execution phase, medical personnel will be on standby to provide immediate medical attention to any hostages or team members who may be injured during the operation.
  6. Communications: Throughout the execution phase, communication is essential to ensure that the rescue team is working together effectively and that everyone is aware of the situation. The team will use specialized communication devices to maintain contact with each other and to provide updates to any outside support, such as law enforcement or medical personnel.
  7. Extraction and debriefing: After the execution phase is complete, the hostages will be extracted to a safe location where they will receive medical attention and emotional support. They will then be debriefed to provide any evidence and to help identify the captors if they are brought to justice.


To conduct successful military operations against Oromia region terrorist forces and TPLF terrorists, the Amhara civilians must consider key logistical factors. These include ensuring access to arms and ammunition, providing sustenance to soldiers in the field, acquiring medical supplies for treating the wounded, establishing transportation plans for troops and equipment, maintaining communication between soldiers, and potentially burying caches of weapons and supplies for added security. By addressing these logistical needs, the Amhara forces can increase their effectiveness and improve their chances of success on the battlefield.

  1. Arms and ammunition: In order to defend themselves and conduct offensive operations against Oromia region terrorists, external forces will need to have access to weapons and ammunition. This could include firearms, grenades, explosives, and other weapons.
  2. Food: Soldiers in the field require sustenance to maintain their energy levels and stay focused. The Amhara civilians will need to have a plan for providing food to their troops, which could involve stockpiling non-perishable food items or establishing supply lines to deliver fresh food to troops in the field.
  3. Medical supplies: Inevitably, troops in the field will suffer injuries or illnesses that require medical attention. The Amhara forces will need to have access to medical supplies such as bandages, antiseptics, and painkillers to treat their wounded.
  4. Transportation: Military operations require the movement of troops, equipment, and supplies across sometimes vast distances. The Amhara forces will need to have a plan for transportation, which could involve using vehicles, pack animals, or human porters to move supplies and equipment.
  5. Communication: Communication is critical for coordinating military operations and relaying information between soldiers. The Amhara forces will need to have a plan for communication, which could involve using radios, mobile phones, or other devices to stay in touch.
  6. Buried logistics: Some logistics should be buried in some areas in advance for safety and security purposes. This could involve burying caches of weapons, ammunition, and supplies in strategic locations where they can be accessed by troops as needed.


The internal and external groups must work in tandem to execute preemptive sabotage operations against the Oromia region’s terrorist forces. It is imperative to damage their equipment, facilities, logistics, and supplies to disrupt their operations. They must impede and obstruct any communication, movement, coordination, and logistics that the enemy relies on to maintain their fighting capabilities. The success of the mission depends on the ability to neutralize the enemy and weaken their capacity to threaten our troops and civilians.

  1. Infrastructure sabotage: The use of tactics such as the destruction of bridges, roads, arms factories, and communication lines and networks to disrupt an opponent’s infrastructure is essential.
  2. Oromia region terrorist camps and movements: Similarly, the Amhara forces may need to identify the locations of OLF camps and movements to disrupt their operations and limit their ability to launch attacks.
  3. Military equipment: The destruction of military equipment such as tanks, aircraft, and other weaponry to impair an opponent’s ability to wage war. In this case, Oromia region terrorists will most likely utilize drones supplied to them by Abiy’s government.
  4. Double agents-The use of sabotage by military personnel against their own forces as a form of protest or to undermine the leadership or morale of their unit.
  5. Misdirection: The intentional misdirection or manipulation of intelligence, logistics, or other operational information to cause harm to an opposing Oromia region terrorist.
  6. Cyber attacks- Although there is not much to do with regards to cyber-attack on Oromia region terrorists, it is vital to keep this in mind and work on it as a backup. Thus, Amhara’s external forces should focus on ways to use hacking and malware to disrupt and disable computer networks and communication systems.


Obtaining adequate funding is an essential element for any successful rescue mission, with costs frequently exceeding millions of dollars. Private donations, corporate support, community fundraising, crowdfunding, and subscription services are all viable funding options available to us. Additionally, the establishment of profitable businesses that can sustain operations is a practical solution to consider. With a diverse range of options available, securing funding for rescue operations demands thorough planning and execution.

  1. Private donations — Private individuals (Wealthy Amharas) or organizations may donate money to support rescue operations, especially for high-profile cases or emergencies that have gained media attention.
  2. Businesses-Companies can contribute to the rescue operation in exchange for branding and advertising opportunities. This can be an effective way to secure significant funding from a single source.
  3. Business to maintain- Amharas can create a profitable business to fund and sustain operations. The business can range from operating banks, restaurants, shipping companies, etc. most of these businesses will be in the diaspora for practical reasons.
  4. Community fundraising — Local communities may organize fundraising events or initiatives to support rescue operations in their area, such as benefit concerts or charity auctions.
  5. Crowdfunding — Crowdfunding platforms such as GoFundMe or Kickstarter can be used to raise money for rescue operations by appealing to a wider audience of potential donors.
  6. Subscription- create a subscription service where people will donate on a monthly basis. For example, if 1000 people are able to donate 10 dollars every month, that is 10,000 raised every month. This is a consistent money income in addition to the various ways of attaining money.
  7. Crypto- Make payments via cryptocurrency and also invest in cryptocurrencies to generate income for the operations.

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