Henok G. Gabisa who is a graduate of Washington and Lee University, has deliberately posted propaganda & disinformation to incite more genocide against Amharas. He has been doing this for years. His deep seated hate for the Amhara has perfectly been exemplified in his latest twitter post.
This is Henok Gabisa
He has posted this on his Twitter account.
First of all, the video is not in Tigray. The video is in Wellega, Oromo region. The men you see in the video, in uniform, are Oromo regional Force (Oromo Liyu Haile) & Oromo regional police.
The men in the middle are members of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), a terrorist organization that has brutalized residents of Wellega, especially Amharas farmers. They are not, by any stretch of the imagination, civilians.
Anyone can can view the original close up video of the men being interrogated below. They were not civilians! They were OLF terrorists!In the following video, the Oromo regional police & the Oromo local police talk to them in Oromo language.
There are no Amhara militia, Amhara regional police, or Ethiopia military. They are all Oromos. The people on the background are local Oromo people & Amhara farmers who lost their family members because of the terrorists.
For the last three years, this OLF group has been targeting Amhara living in Wellega. They have been massacring men, women, & children barbarically. Below is a picture of Amhara farmers they killed in one of the many massacres.
An elderly woman and her son murdered by OLF.
An older Amhara woman massacred by OLF
A young Amhara woman killed by OLF
An Amhara woman & her new born killed by OLF
Oromo nationalist terrorists have been killing Amharas civilians for decades, & the government has refused to intervene. In fact, the government is underhandedly directing & promoting the massacres, & so called Oromo activists and leaders like Henok G. Gabisa add on to the anti-Amhara movement.
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