1 min readJan 9, 2021

Eskinder Nega is a human right activist who has dedicated his entire life for democracy. equality and justice. He is not a criminal.

#FreeEskinderNega #FreeBalderas

Balderas for True democracy is a peaceful opposition. The party and its leaders have never advocated for violence. They must be free. #FreeEskinderNega #FreeBalderas

The imprisonment of Eskinder Nega and Balderas is politically motivated to silence and intimidate those who challenge the ruling regime. #FreeEskinderNega #FreeBalderas

Eskinder Nega and Balderas represent people who have been ignored, negated and marginalized in Addis Abeba. The people of Addis Ababa stand with Eskinder and Balderas and demand their immediate release.

#FreeEskinderNega #FreeBalderas

Eskinder and Balderas’ officials arrests were politically motivated to impede the progress of Balderas For True Democracy and silence opposition. #FreeEskinderNega #FreeBalderas

There can’t be a free and fair election while opposition leaders like Eskinder Nega are imprisoned. #FreeEskinderNega

The imprisonment of opposition tarnish the credibility of Ethiopia’s election board led by Birtukan Medeksa. It also delegitimizes the upcoming election. All political prisoners must be free. #FreeEskinderNega #FreeBalderas

The prosecution has failed to produce convincing and sufficient evidence against Eskinder Nega and Balderas because the charges are bogus. #FreeEskinderNega #FreeBalderas

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