Abiy Ahmed’s Economic War on the Amhara People: 8 strategies

4 min readMar 3, 2023


Abiy Ahmed’s administration has been perpetuating an economic war on the Amhara people in Ethiopia through various policies and practices. These actions have included targeted attacks on Amhara civilians, such as the demolition of their homes and kidnappings for ransom. Additionally, there have been reports of discrimination against Amhara civil workers, with many being fired from their government jobs without justification. These actions have resulted in a reduction of the economic and political influence of the Amhara people in the country. Eight strategies have been identified as evidence of this economic war, including the monopolization of key economic sectors, discriminatory practices in government contracts and tenders, exclusion of Amharas from government jobs, targeted attacks on Amhara-owned businesses, withholding of government subsidies to Amhara farmers, and use of government funds to finance non-Amhara development projects while neglecting Amhara regions.

1. War and Sabotage During the Tigray war:

Abiy Ahmed’s deliberate acts of sabotage facilitated the TPLF terrorists to inflict extensive damage on the Amhara region. As a result, TPLF destroyed vital infrastructure, committed large-scale massacres, raped Amhara women, looted banks, hospitals, clinics, churches, vehicles, industries, and machinery worth millions, and prevented Amhara farmers from cultivating. Furthermore, several towns remain under TPLF control, with hundreds of thousands displaced, and the Amhara region lost close to 1 trillion birr due to the war and its aftermath.

2. Burning Amhara Cities and Towns:

Abiy Ahmed allegedly utilizes Oromo regional forces and OLF to directly burn entire Amhara towns and cities periodically resulting in billions of birr in losses. For example, Oromo region forces, militias, and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) rebels have burned Ataye , Chefa-Robit, Shewa Robit, Efrata & Gedim, Senebete, and Ansokia several times. These attacks have led to the loss of billions of birr and displacement of Amhara civilians.Top of Form

3. Attacking Amhara Investors and Businesses:

Abiy Ahmed is targeting Amhara investors and businesses, aiming to destroy them to build his dream of a wealthy Oromo elite. Amhara investors are currently denied access to loans, land leases, and business licenses, particularly in the Oromo region, Addis Ababa, Harrar, and Dire Dawa. The Oromo regional government is freezing bank accounts and confiscating assets of Amhara businesses. Moreover, Amhara businesses cannot purchase wholesale items from the Oromo region without an Oromo bank account. Additionally, Amhara businesses cannot sell or trade in the Oromo region and Addis Ababa unless they meet certain conditions. Oromo region forces are also confiscating goods belonging to Amharas during commutes, and OLF and Qero gangs are often burning Amhara businesses whenever there is a riot.

4. Ethnic Cleansing:

Abiy Ahmed is responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Amhara civilians from various parts of the Oromo region and parts of Addis Ababa. Tens of thousands of Amharas have been killed by OLF in various areas of the Oromo region, including Wellega, Shewa, Bale, Harar, Ambo, Shashamane, Arsi, and others. Local Oromo leaders have also been involved in the ethnic cleansing of Amharas. OLF is responsible for burning tens of thousands of homes, leaving millions of Amharas homeless, and robbing Amhara farmers of tens of thousands of livestock. Over one million Amharas are displaced from Wellega alone.

5. Demolishing Amhara Homes:

Hundreds of thousands of non-Oromo homes, especially those belonging to Amharas, have been demolished in Addis Ababa and its outskirts during Abiy Ahmed’s administration. These demolitions have been carried out under the pretext of bogus policies, and homes have been destroyed in various locations, including Bole, Sululta, Legatafo, Burayu, Enku Gabriel, Ambo, Harrer, Dire Dawa, Bale, and Arsi. Reports indicate that Amhara civilians who resist these demolitions are being shot and killed, leaving many homeless and sleeping on the streets. Over the past six months alone, more than 100,000 homes have been demolished on the outskirts of Addis Ababa.

6. Banning Amharas from Addis Ababa:

Abiy Ahmed has banned Amharas from entering Addis Ababa to reduce their economic and political influence. Oromo regional forces have taken advantage of this by demanding bribes ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 birr from Amhara travelers to Addis Ababa. They have also banned Amhara transport vehicle drivers and demanded 10,000–20,000 birr. In some cases, Amhara truck drivers have been killed, and their cargo has been stolen after refusing to pay bribes ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 birr. These bans and extortions have left many Amharas stranded and unable to earn a living.

7. Kidnapping Amhara civilians:

Under Abiy Ahmed’s administration, Oromo regional forces and OLF militants have kidnapped Amhara civilians. These groups demand ransoms ranging from 100,000 to 1 million birr, targeting Amhara men, women, children, the elderly, priests, and students. Despite ransom payments, Amhara civilians are often killed. The kidnappings are a lucrative business, earning Oromo regional forces and OLF militants millions of birr. The kidnappings occur throughout the Oromo region and some parts of the Amhara region, mainly taking place on main roads.

8. Firing Amhara civil workers:

Amhara civil workers are being fired from government departments without justification under Abiy Ahmed’s administration. This has hindered progress toward diversity and led to further marginalization of the Amhara people. Reports indicate that Amhara EOTC followers (most of whom are Amhara) wearing black are being fired from their jobs, and many Amharas working in public media, including at EBC, are being fired. Additionally, Amhara teachers, particularly in Addis Ababa, are being fired, as well as Amhara military officers and soldiers from their posts.



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